
There's finally hope for a second stimulus check — here's why

There'due south finally hope for a second stimulus check — here'due south why

Ben Franklin mask money
(Epitome credit: Getty Images)

Stimulus-bill talks among lawmakers and White House officials, which appeared to be gaining momentum in recent weeks, are now slowing down as lawmakers squabble and multiple proposals are taken upward for consideration — not all of which include unemployment benefits or stimulus check 2.

Here's a rundown of what'south on the table and what kind of relief Americans would receive under each bill.

  • Stimulus check ii: Status, latest news and how much you could go
  • Stimulus check 2 appointment: Hither'south when you could get a directly payment
  • Just in: Trump calls for 2nd round of stimulus checks with 'more than money'

The bipartisan Senate $908 billion bill

The near talked-about nib is a $908 billion program unveiled last week by a group of centrist senators from both parties. Their proposal would restart federal supplements to land unemployment benefits at $300 per week — only one-half of what was provided under the CARES Human action last bound — for xvi weeks.

While information technology would also extend rental assist and Paycheck Protection Programme funds, as well equally provide aid for greenbacks-strapped state and local governments, a key Democratic demand that Republicans hate, information technology does non include a 2d stimulus check.

Calculation a stimulus bank check would push the cost of the beak higher up $1 trillion, a number that would presumably doom its chances in the GOP-led Senate.

The bipartisan proposal appeared to gain President-Elect Joe Biden's support, although Biden said information technology "would be better" if stimulus check 2 were included. However, a number of lawmakers from both parties accept come out against the bill due to the lack of a direct stimulus payment.

McConnell's pared-downwards $550 billion proposal

Last week, Senate Bulk Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) put forward his own version of a stimulus bundle, which would not provide unemployment benefits or stimulus bank check ii.

Like the bipartisan bill above, it would create liability protections confronting COVID-related lawsuits for small businesses and large corporations alike, a Republican provision that Democrats hate.

Previously, McConnell had expressed support for ongoing federal unemployment assistance, a measure out that was included in 2 $500 billion "skinny" bills that failed to advance in the Senate earlier this fall. Information technology'south not clear what the status of this proposal is now that the White Business firm has put forward a split up plan (encounter beneath), but it's one that Senate Republicans would likely laissez passer.

The $916 billion White House plan

McConnell idea he had White House backing for his proposal, but Treasury Secretarial assistant Steven Mnuchin earlier this week suddenly came forward with a tertiary proposal.

The White House's $916 billion bill would send a one-time $600 stimulus check to eligible Americans and extend expiring unemployment benefits to freelance and "gig" workers past one calendar month.

In terms of pleasing both parties, it provides the business-liability protections Republicans want and the local-government assistance Democrats want. But information technology would not resume the weekly federal supplements to people who would normally get state unemployment payments.

"We view this equally a more effective way to get the money out quickly," Mnuchin said on Wednesday.

Congressional Republicans have expressed frustration at Mnuchin'due south proposal, equally it showed divisions in the GOP ranks. The party'due south proposals after the election were supposed to accept been led by McConnell until the White House changed its mind.

"Information technology's not helpful to have multiple voices," Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) said this week. Yet McConnell has given the White House plan his tacit support, then for at present, information technology's the official GOP position.

A $300 billion standalone stimulus-check bill

Finally, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Missouri), who came out against the bipartisan Senate bargain due to the lack of stimulus check two, is pushing for another round of direct payments in any proposal passes. On Thursday (Dec. 10), he introduced a standalone bill to send $1,200 checks to American taxpayers using the same eligibility requirements included in the CARES Act.

His efforts, which would price about $300 billion, have gained support from liberal lawmakers and — reportedly — President Trump.

"I'd be surprised if he didn't support $1,200 for individuals and $ii,400 for couples," Hawley said of the president on Tuesday. "My sense is that it's a very high priority."

And then what does this hateful for stimulus bank check 2?

Correct at present, it's hard to tell what might happen, partly because there'south no real  Autonomous position.

The party'south Congressional leaders, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-New York), have notwithstanding to put their weight behind a single proposal. They did call the $908 billion bipartisan pecker a adept "starting point" and expressed hope that stimulus check ii could exist added to it later.

Prior to the ballot, Democratic leaders were pushing an approximately $2 trillion bill that included a $1,200 stimulus bank check and weekly $600 unemployment supplements. That's still where the Democrats officially stand

Simply Pelosi and Schumer may accept been cyberbanking on a Autonomous "blue wave" of voters that would give them control of the Senate and more seats in the Business firm. That failed to materialize, and their position is weaker now than it was in October.

Adding $1,200 to the new bipartisan bill would brand its total toll about $1.ii trillion. Merely adding stimulus checks of just $600 would make the bill price less than the $i.1 trillion bill the Senate GOP leadership proposed in July.

Other than the cost of the beak, the primal sticking points are the liability protections for businesses and the assistance to land and local governments. Everyone seems to concur that another stimulus check would be a practiced thing if the toll were not also high.

Yesterday (Dec. 9) McConnell suggested that "we set up those ii controversial pieces aside and plow alee with a huge pile of things that nosotros concord on," presumably including stimulus cheque 2. Nosotros've yet to see how Democratic leaders volition answer.

Emily Long is a Utah-based freelance writer who covers consumer engineering, privacy and personal finance for Tom's Guide. She has been reporting and writing for nearly ten years, and her work has appeared in Wirecutter, Lifehacker, NBC BETTER and CN Traveler, amidst others. When she's not working, you lot tin find her trail running, pedagogy and practicing yoga, or studying for grad school — all fueled by coffee, evidently.


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